Friday, January 15, 2016

The Prodigal Son (2/2)

So who's the main character in the parable of The Prodigal Son (see Luke 15:11-32)? Which son is this story really about? The younger son, who we so readily identify with? Or the older son, too stuck in religion, too busy doing his father's work to have his father's heart?

Neither son! Trick question! It's about the Father and his heart for both of his sons.

The older son didn't know who he was. He was trying to earn through hard work what he already had by inheritance. And he wasn't longing to celebrate with his father, but with his buddies. To the older son, the Father says, “Son, everything I have is yours and always has been. You could celebrate with me anytime you want. But you've been too preoccupied doing my work to have my heart. I would rather have 10 acres fewer crops and more time with you.”

So often we minister out of our wounding, rather than out of intimacy with the Father. Ministering out of wounding, we can pursue the wrong calling and miss what he really had for us. It's only out of intimacy with Jesus and the Father that we really know who we are and what we're for.

Have you, or do you think you might be, ministering out of wounding? Talk about it in the comments. You'll find you're not the only one.

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