Friday, May 13, 2016

Why the Enemy Is So Afraid of Marriage

I think the enemy is terrified of the human institution of Government. That's why we spends so much energy to subvert it. But even so, God uses governments to bring about his will on the earth. God set up governments as a result of the Fall (Genesis 3), to bring about his justice (Romans 13:1-5). And he uses even ungodly governments to do it.

Satan is really terrified of the Church. The Church, as it stretches throughout history, terrifies the gates of hell. The Church is God's army, bold and mighty, in spite of how she looks to us sometimes, to take back that which was stolen by the kingdom of darkness. The Church represents God's conquest and Satan's doom.

But the institution I think the enemy is really the most afraid of is <<drum roll, please>> the institution of Marriage. Think about it. Every other institution, Government, the Church, etc, was established because of sin. To deal with sin. But Marriage was there first. Marriage is the one institution, the one thing, we still have left over from Eden (Genesis 2).

Healthy marriages and families have power over the enemy like no other institution because Marriage and Family were here first, before sin entered the world. They are the one part of God's perfect design we still possess, if we choose to. No wonder Satan is raging so hard against the institution of Marriage, right down to the core of its very definition.

So pray for your spouse. Pray with your spouse. Pray warfare prayers. Take back what the enemy has stolen from your family. As a couple united in Marriage under God and by God, you have the authority to take it back.

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